ロサンゼルスの山火事災害について|About the Los Angeles Wildfire Disaster

日本にいる我々が今できることを考えていますが、まずは現地で何が起きているのかを日本の皆さんへ共有し、現在できる実効的な支援の一つである募金の窓口を紹介することだと考え、仲間たちからコメントを提供してもらう等、Always Listeningの記事へ取材協力をしました。
「すべてが失われたLAの音楽コミュニティの現状——Stones Throw、KCRW、LA Philの関係者、アーティストPhotayらによるレポート」
写真提供:Jake Viator
The city of Los Angeles has been severely damaged by the wildfires that have been raging since January 7 of this year. The Los Angeles music community has also suffered greatly, and our dublab friends are no exception.
We in Japan are thinking about what we can do now, but first of all, we thought it would be a good idea to share with the Japanese people what is happening there and to introduce a donation window, which is one of the effective ways we can help now. We asked our friends to provide their comments and to contribute to the article in Always Listening.
“List of donation recipients to support the Los Angeles music scene”
“All is Lost in LA’s Music Community–Report”
The fires have been spreading and are not yet under control. The impact of the fires has been so extensive that we do not even have a full picture of the damage to various infrastructures, air pollution, housing issues, and so on. We hope to support each of you in whatever way we can.
Photo: Jake Viator