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Japanese Ambient Journey vol.10 @ Tokyo22.03.03

dublab.jp_Japanese Ambient Journey vol.10 @ Tokyo(22.3.3)

3月3日はWHOが定める世界各地で耳への関心を高める”World Hearing Day”(ワールド・ヒアリング・デー)です。今回の放送は、”聴く”ことへの関心をテーマに能動的な聴取を促すための沈黙、微細音などミニマルに構成された「ロウワーケース・サウンド」(lowercase sound)を中心に”耳”をつうじて知覚し、意識するアンビエント・ミニマリズム特集をお届けします。Japanese Ambient Journey vol.10



labrat DJ : Yui Onodera






Yui Onodera is a Tokyo-based producer, sounds artist whose works explore the relation between musical forms, architectural acoustics and spatial awareness. As a sounds artist, he has a distinctive figure in the fields of experimental electronic music, modern ambient and electro-acoustic music, working across the spheres of composition and installation work. His works are widely published internationally, he has released numerous works on esteemed labels like KOMPAKT (DE), Room40 (AUS) and more. In addition to his studio albums he composed the music for the documentary film about John Cages “Cage 64”. In 2017, alongside his musical profession he works as a sound art lecturer at Rikkyo University and Musashino Art University. He is a founding member of the art collective Nor whose ethos is centered around the production of multidimensional work through sound, visual and Installation art. <www.critical-path.info

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