dublab.jp LOSER RADIO #69 From Osaka (28.11.2024)
dublab.jp LOSER RADIO #68 From Osaka。
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organize : LOSER
venue :”LOSER ”ー 〒556-0017 大阪市浪速区湊町1-1-32 おおきに湊町1丁目ビル3F
time : 2024.11.28.SAT
20:00 – 22:00
listen: dublab.jp
=Guest from Los Angels =
Local act
Alicia Ramírez, aka Inkarose is a Colombian born, Los Angeles based therapist and musician that utilizes sound to encourage states of peace, relaxation and spiritual introspection. Her music explores the curative sonics of nature paired with textured synths, padded vocals and at times organic instrumentation like the ocarina, flute and earthly percussion. In 2022 Inkarose released her debut EP titled: A Love Letter to Water – four sonic poems dedicated to the spirit of water (River and Ocean to Clouds and Rain).
Inkarose has performed in outdoors and indoor venues across Los Angeles, spanning from Zebulon, The Echo, Arlington Botanical Gardens, Annenberg Community Beach House and the Los Angeles State Historic Park. Her works as a sonic curator and music therapist also entails crafting live sets and playlists for those seeking to integrate insights retrieved from psychedelic assisted voyages, or experiences.
2022年には、デビューEP『A Love Letter to Water』をリリースしました。この作品は、水の精霊に捧げられた4つの音の詩(川や海、雲、雨へのオード)で構成されています。
インカローズは、屋内外を問わず、ロサンゼルスのさまざまな会場でパフォーマンスを行ってきました。これまでに、Zebulon、The Echo、アーリントン植物園、アネンバーグ・コミュニティ・ビーチ・ハウス、ロサンゼルス州立歴史公園などで演奏しています。また、サウンドキュレーターおよび音楽療法士として、サイケデリック体験や旅で得た洞察を統合したいと願う人々のために、ライブセットやプレイリストを制作する活動も行っています。
ONGJOCO is an experimental producer born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. Her love for hip hop, soul, bass, and the early L.A. beat scene shaped her sound. She is now exploring her voice with more synth and instrument-led sounds while still staying true to her roots.
参加プロジェクト抜粋:jocojo not solo,宮本章太郎(nayuta)ソロ,etc..
“Koichiro Tanabe”
electric bass or double bass
projects:jocojo not solo,Shotaro Miyamoto(nayuta),etc..

MAYUMIKILLER is the owner of “LOSER,” a select shop that curates music and apparel, as well as a talented DJ. In 2005-06, she toured Europe in collaboration with the label Project Mooncircle, performing and exhibiting her original works in Portugal museums, Berlin, Spain, and more. Since the early 2010s, she has hosted DJ broadcasts on LA’s dublab radio and embarked on DJ tours across the United States with support from RAS G. Her DJ work was also featured on dublab’s radio program “VIEWPOINTS,” hosted by TEEBS.
She participated in a California tour organized by the cassette label FUZZOSCOPE, performing in San Francisco and DJing at FAT BEATS and Fault Radio’s LA broadcast. She has organized LOSER RADIO broadcast tours in locations like San Francisco, Taiwan, and Okinawa, and hosted ZINE exhibitions in California. MAYUMIKILLER has performed extensively at LA’s renowned BEATCINEMA beat collective parties and planned DJ tours in Japan.
Her diverse activities include live broadcasts from NTS RADIO and LOWER GRAND RADIO, as well as performances at LA events like Daddy Kev’s “Scenario” party. She is highly regarded within the LA music scene. In Japan, she is the founder and curator of “dublab.jp LOSER RADIO OSAKA,” through which she has introduced numerous domestic and international artists.
Recently, she was featured in Roland’s “Inside the Japanese Beat Scene” article, discussing the LA and Japanese beat scenes and the iconic SP-404 sampler. In April 2023, she was one of 12 global artists selected to perform in Roland’s “404 Day Live Broadcasting” event. In 2024, she made her debut as a DJ at the Coachella Festival and launched a monthly program on the international internet radio station ROVR, performing at ROVR-hosted parties, including their New York event.
At her shop “LOSER,” MAYUMIKILLER has hosted numerous in-store live events featuring DJs and beatmakers such as Ras G, Machine Drum, MNDSGN, Sofie, and Daedelus. In 2020, she founded LOSER RECORDS, releasing music and producing major parties domestically and internationally.
Twitter: twitter.com/mayumikiller
Instagram: instagram.com/mayumikiller
Instagram: instagram.com/loserstoreosaka
Instagram: instagram.com/loserradio
LOSER ONLINE STORE : http://loserstore.net
LOSER RECORDS:www.loserrecords.bandcamp.com
MAYUMIKILLER ( LOSER / dublabjp LOSER RADIO ) 音楽とウエアを取り扱うセレクトショップ”LOSER” のオーナー。DJ。 2005年、06年 Projectmooncircleレーベル等とのEUツアー、ポルトガル美術館やベルリン、スペイン等でオリジナル作品展示/dj出演。 2010年代初頭からLA dublabでのdj配信をはじめ、RAS Gの協力の元アメリカ各地でDJツアー。TEEBSがホストするdublab「V I E W P O I N T S」ラジオ番組でも彼女のDJが紹介される。 カセットテープレーベルFUZZOSCOPEによるカリフォルニアツアー に参加。SF公演やLAにてFAT BEATSやSFのラジオ局 Fault Radio のLA配信で現地でDJ。過去にSF や台湾、沖縄で LOSER RADIO 配信ツアーを主催し、自身が主催するZINE展をカリフォルニアでも開催。LAのビートコレクティブパーティBEATCINEMAで数々のDJ出演や、日本ツアーも企画。そして NTS RADIOやLOWER GRAND RADIO にて現地から生放送出演や、Daddy Kevのパーティ “Scenario” 現地LAでのDJ出演等活動は多岐に及ぶ。 LAの音楽シーンからの信頼も深く、現在日本で”dublab.jp LOSER RADIO OSAKA”のファウンダー/キュレイターをしており、数多くの国内外のアーティストを紹介する実績を持つ。 最近ではROLANDのHPに掲載された、”Inside the Japanese Beat Scene” 特集にて、LAと日本のビートミュージックシーンとSP404のインタビュー記事も掲載。2023年4月にはRoland主催の”404 day Live Broadcasting”企画にて、世界から抜粋された12人の1人として出演するなど 注目/評価。そして2024年アメリカで開催されたCoachella fesにdjで初出演。2024年から話題の海外インターネットラジオ局ROVRにてマンスリーで番組を展開し、ROVR主催のパーティNY公演にも出演。 彼女の店 “LOSER” ではRas GやMachine Drum、MNDSGNやSofie、Daedelus をはじめ数々の国内外 DJ/Beatmaker によるインストアライブも開催。 2020年LOSER RECORDSを始動しリリース。数々の国内外主要パーティーのプロデュース等も手掛ける。
Twitter: twitter.com/mayumikiller
Instagram: instagram.com/mayumikiller
Instagram: instagram.com/loserstoreosaka
Instagram: instagram.com/loserradio
LOSER ONLINE STORE : http://loserstore.net
LOSER RECORDS:www.loserrecords.bandcamp.com
ROVR: https://rovr.live/#/