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dublab.jp Pop-up Studio at EACH STORY -THE CAMP- 2024(24.10.5-6)24.10.5 - 24.10.6

10月5日、6日に長野県の野辺山高原にある五光牧場キャンプ場で開催する EACH STORY〜THE CAMP〜2024 へdublab.jpの参加が決定しました。


今年で開局25周年をむかえるアメリカ・ロサンゼルスのインターネットラジオステーション「dublab」の日本ブランチの「dublab.jp」が、EACH STORYに特設ブースでコラボレーションします。


また、近年、世界的に再評価されている日本の環境音楽。このシーンを牽引してきたアーティスト・尾島由郎氏と共同開発するサウンドインスタレーション「KANKYO DOT」を初展示します。TAGUCHI製の高品質な無指向性スピーカーと半永久的に新しい音楽を構築するシステム「AISO」をベースに開発され、サウンドは尾島由郎氏が柴野さつき氏、ポートランドを拠点に活動するVisible Cloaksのコラボレーション作「serenitatem」(RVNG Intl.) との楽曲を分解、再構築し続けます。加えて、マッチを擦るように火をつけて手軽に使えるお香スティック「hibi」のサポートのもと、自然のアロマで満たされた空間の中で、環境音楽の世界に没入する新しいリスニング体験を提供します。HIKOKONAMIによるサウンドバス体験も実施。原雅明は昨年、一昨年に続いて今年も両日DJとして出演も決定している。

ぜひ、dublab.jp Pop-up Studioにお立ち寄りください。









SUSO SAIZ < ES > / Emily A.Sprague < US >  / Passepartout Duo and Inoyama Land<IT&JP>   / カフカ鼾 + 巻上公一 / マヒトゥ・ザ・ピーZZZ  ( ambient set )/ Chihei Hatakeyama × hakobune / ermhoi / 曽我大穂 / ASA TONE<US> / Cool Maritime < US >  / QOA < US >  / H.Takahashi & Jesus Weekend / Lullatone / Henning Schmiedt ( DE ) / Thandi Ntuli < ZA > / arauchi yu ensemble / 笹久保伸 / Julia Shortreed  / space opera symphony 



原雅明 / 石井亮


FACTA & K-LONE (wisdom teeth )  < UK > / Shhhhh / YAMA a.k.a sahib 


<Special program>

 dublab.jp Pop-up Studio 






会場 : 五光牧場オートキャンプ場


時間: 10月5日 11:00開場 〜 10月6日 18:30終演

料金: 2日通し券 : 前売20,000円(前売)/ 1日券 ⼤⼈ 12,000円 (前売)


インベント詳細情報: https://www.eachstory.net


主催 : EACH STORY実⾏委員会

We are pleased to announce that dublab.jp will participate in EACH STORY ~THE CAMP~ 2024 to be held on October 5 and 6 at Gokou Ranch Campground in Nobeyama Kogen, Nagano Prefecture.

dublab.jp, the Japanese branch of “dublab,” an Internet radio station in Los Angeles, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, will collaborate with EACH STORY at a special booth.

Several artists who will appear on the program will be invited as guests for an open recording. The interviews, which can only be heard here, will be broadcast to listeners around the world.

In addition, Japanese ambient music “Kankyo Ongaku” has been re-evaluated worldwide in recent years. The sound installation “KANKYO DOT,” developed in collaboration with artist Yoshio Ojima, who has been a driving force in this scene, will be exhibited for the first time. continues to deconstruct and reconstruct the music with Satsuki Shibano and Portland-based Visible Cloaks collaborative work “serenitatem” (RVNG Intl.). In addition, with the support of hibi, an incense stick that can be lit and easily used like rubbing a match, the event will offer a new listening experience that immerses visitors in a world of environmental music in a space filled with natural aromas. a sound bath experience by HIKOKONAMI will also be offered. Masaaki Hara is also scheduled to perform as a DJ on both days this year, as he did last year and the year before.

Please stop by the dublab.jp Pop-up Studio.


Supported by: KOBE MATCH Co.,Ltd.




EACH STORY is an outdoor listening festival where you can relax and enjoy the music of artists with an original world view of ambient, environmental, experimental, and JAZZ music of global standards in a space that takes advantage of the beautiful natural landscape. This year, 19 LIVE artists and 5 DJs, including 9 international artists, have been confirmed, making it the largest number ever.



SUSO SAIZ < ES > / Emily A.Sprague < US > / Passepartout Duo and Inoyama Land < IT&JP > / Kafka Saki + Koichi Makigami / Mahitu the PZZZ ( ambient set ) / Chihei Hatakeyama × hakobune / ermhoi / Oho Soga / ASA TONE < US > / Cool Maritime < US > / QOA < US > / H.Takahashi & Jesus Weekend / Lullatone / Henning Schmiedt ( DE ) / Thandi Ntuli < ZA > / arauchi yu ensemble / Shin Sasakubo / Julia Shortreed / space opera symphony 


< DJ

Masaaki Hara / Ryo Ishii


FACTA & K-LONE (wisdom teeth ) < UK > / Shhhhh / YAMA a.k.a sahib 


<Special program

 dublab.jp Pop-up Studio 





Date : October 5-6, 2024

Venue : Goko Ranch Auto Camp Ground

Address : 1417, Hizawa, Kawakami-mura, Minamisaku-gun, Nagano, Japan 

Time: Doors open at 11:00 on October 5 – Concert ends at 18:30 on October 6

Price: 2-day pass: 20,000 yen (advance purchase) / 1-day pass: 12,000 yen for adults (advance purchase)


Event details: https://www.eachstory.net





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