シンガー/トラックメイカーShökaによるラジオプログラム『Find a spark』。多様な音楽ジャンルの本質を見つめることでの自己との対話や、その時、その瞬間に訴えかける何かのインスピレーションをテーマとして、心を魅了する音楽の”ときめき”について迫ります。
Radio program by a singer/trackmaker Shöka, “Find a spark”. She will explore the “spark” of music that enchants your heart, by discussing themes such as a dialogue with oneself through looking at the essence of various music genres and the inspiration of something that appeals to one’s heart at that moment.
The program is broadcast on the third Thursday of each month at 9pm.
菅野咲花 / Shöka
また、2023年4月に1st Single 「流星群」をリリース、「Shöka」名義での活動を開始した。現在は都内を中心にユニットとソロの両方で活動している。
Sugano Shoka is a Singer-songwriter and a musician born in 2001. She was raised in a music loving family, and majored clarinet in high school, learning Classical music.
After graduation, she formed a unit “haruyoi” with her dear friend from high school Misaki Umei, inviting Mei Inoue, Taiki Yamazaki, and other great musicians as a band set support players.
Also as a solo project “shöka”, 1st digital single “Ryuseigun (Meteor Shower)” was released in April, 2023. She is actively performing in both unit and a solo project.
Official Site