Fruiting Bodies12.05.03
On 5/3 dublab.jp is throwing a DJ/screening event at Bonobo in Harajuku, Tokyo!
…and we’re screening at it (maybe we’ll DJ some day in the future. Not this time)! The main image is taken from the short Mushroom Hunting promo animation we made for dublab’s 12th anniversary last year. Mushroom hunting as record selecting!
The title, Fruiting Bodies, refers to the ripe condition of a mushroom, perfect for picking, ready to spore. We felt it was a good fit for the event, as there will be a number of dublab-related DJs spinning, plus Jordan Kim and our own Magi Union member/organizer, Michael J Foks! Jordan will also be screening some of his work and this mess of interaction seemed like an excellent match for the imagery of spreading fungi.
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